Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/519

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Bk. II. Ch. III. AXJOU. 487 If the apse or clievet of this ehurcli is not so strictly Angiovine as other examples, the fagade of the church of Notre Dame de Poitiers (shown in Woodcut No. 355) is not open to the same remark, being strictly local in all its parts. Originally the one window it possessed was circular ; but in the 15th century, as may be seen from the mouldings 355. FaQade of Notre Dame at Poitiers. (From Cbapuy, " Moj'en-Age Monumental.") then introduced, it was cut down to its present form, no doubt to make more room for painted glass, which at that age had superseded all other modes of decoration : whereas in the 12th century, to which the church belongs, external sculpture and internal mural paintings were the ]irevailing modes of architectural expression. It will be observed from the above woodcut that sculpture is used in a profusion of which no example belonging to a later age exists ; and though we cannot help admiring the larger proportions and broader masses of subsequent