Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/527

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Bk. II. Ch, IV. ATJVERGNE. 495 commenced in the 10th, and probably continued to the 12th ; but their uniformity of style is such, that not more than one century could have elapsed between the first and the last. Only one circular church, so far as I know, is found in the district. It is a sepulchral chapel in the cemetery at Chambon, small in size, being only 26 ft. wide over all, but elegant in its proportions, and showing the same style of decora- tion as the apses of the larger churclies. Among the exceptional churches of this district, one of the most interesting is that of Royat, illustrated in Woodcut No. 363, being a 363. Foitiflbd Church at Koyat. (From Gailhabaud.) specimen of a fortified church, such as are sometimes, though not fre- quently, found in France. That at Maguelonne, quoted above, (p. 460), is another, and there are several others in the south of France ; but none probably either so complete or showing so many castellated features as this. In its ruined state we lose the western, or possibly the central tower, which might have somewhat restored its ecclesias- tical character ; but even as it is, it is a singularly picturesque and expressive building, though it speaks more of war and bloodshed than of peace and good will to all men.