Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/536

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504 FRENCH ARCHITECTURE. Pakt U. Yezelay is one of the most beautiful of the remaining churches of its n(*-e in Burgundy, notwithstanding that the choir, which is a chevet in the early pointed style, like those iu the northern province, rather disturbs the harmony of the whole. Amonof the remaining? churches of this class, the cathedral at Besanyon is one of the few double-apse churches of France, and is, in ^^P H^ Ks^ ' 37:;. Chevet, St. Meiioux. (From Allier.) plan at least, very much more like those we find on the banks of the Rhine. The cathedral at Vienne, mentioned above, might from some of its details, particularly the form of the pier arches, be fairly classed with this style, showing, as it does, the fluted pilasters and other classical adjuncts found here. These peculiarities are common both to this and the Proven§al style, but the boundary between them is by no means clearly defined.