Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/609

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bk. n. ch. X. SPIRES. 577 Spires. An easy transition leads from pinnacles to spires, the latter being but the perfect development of the former, and each requiring the assistance of the other in producing a thoroughly harmonious effect. I) iff ^,'X-^ V,, ^'5 4

mmm^^ ^^^^ ■^ 1 ^M/ p^ 431. St. Pierre, Caen. (From Cliapuy.) Still their uses were Avidely different, for the spire never was a con- structive expedient or useful in any way. Indeed, of all architectural features, it is the one perhaps to which it is least easy to aj^ply any utilitarian rule. Towers were originally introduced in Christian edifices i^artly as