Page:History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 1.djvu/618

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586 FRENCH ARCHITECTURE. Pakt II, both from its form and dimensions ; but being entirely gutted inside, its architectural features are gone, and it is now difficult to under- stand how it was originally arranged, and by what means it was lighted and rendered habitable. i Tancarville still retains some of the original features of its fortifi- cations as do also the castles of Falaise and Gaillard. 438. Portal of the Ducal Palace at Xancy. (From Dusomerard.) The keeps of Vincennes and Loches are still remarkable for their height, though they hardly retain any features which can be called strictly architectural. In the Soutli, the fortified towns of Carcassonne and Aigues Mortcs, and in the North, Fougeres, retain as much of their ^ Viollet leDno, in his " Architecture no means explains liow the interior was Mihtaire," p. {)(>, gives a section of the Donjon at Coucy, which, however, by hghted, nor does it accord with what 1 beUeve I saw there.'