Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 1.djvu/374

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,>5- IIlSTOKY (>K ART IN PlId-.NICIA AND ITS 1 H.I'KN 1 >F.NCI1.S. ginians in Africa Aj^ithocles, Regains, the leaders of the revolted mercenaries was checked at the: foot of these walls ; even at the end of the third Punic war, when Carthage no longer had an army, they offered a long resistance to the legions of Rome. I'io. 248. Map of the peninsula of Carthage. We are told that the enceinte of Carthage was built of dressed stone, saxo quadrato? According to Diodorus it was forty cubits, we have so far (Rccherches snr t emplacement de Carthage, with five plates and a topo- graphical plan ; Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1883). Our j)lan is taken from M. Duruy's Jlistoire des Rom a his, vol. i. p. 415. 1 OROSTUS, iv. 22.