Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/16

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. in. Bas-relief from Athieno * i? 1 112. The triple Geryon *73 113. Limestone statue of Hercules *75 114. Limestone statue of Hercules 176 115. Fragment of a limestone statue of Hercules 177 116. God crowned with a tiara 178 117. Terra-cotta chariot i8t 118. Ass with panniers 182 119. Ass with water-bearer 182 1 20. Terra-cotta from Kition 183 121. Limestone group in the New York Museum 184 122. Limestone statuette 185 123. Limestone group 186 124. Player on the lyre 187 125. Player on the flute 188 126. Sacrificing priest 189 127. Clay figure with conical base 190 128. Cypriot head 191 129. Limestone statuette 193 130. Statuette of a soldier, in terra-cotta 195 131. Lion 197 132. Head of a lioness 197 133. Group of doves 198 134. Human headed bird 199 135. Centaur .' 200 136. Chaldaean centaur 204 137. Man with head of a frog 205 138. Man with head of a bull 206 139. Sarcophagus from Amathus, one of the long sides 208 140. Sarcophagus from Amathus. Second long side 209 141. Sarcophagus from Amathus. First short side 210 142. Sarcophagus from Amathus. Second short side 211 143. Sarcophagus from Athieno 213 144. Sarcophagus from Athieno. Second long side 217 145. Sarcophagus from Athieno. Second short side 219 146. Cylinder in the British Museum 228 147. Seal 229 148. Scarab 229 149. Cylinder in the British Museum 230 150. Cylinder in opaque carnelion 233 151. Cylinder of rock crystal 234 152. Engraved gem in M. Peretid's collection 235 153. Hematite cylinder 236 154. Steatite cylinder 236 155. Jasper cylinder 237 156. Steatite cylinder 237 157. Cylinder of green glazed earthenware 238