Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/174

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152 HISTORY OF ART IN PHCENICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. pressing the milk from them. 1 This same motive is to be found in some of those barbarous figures of which we. have already, perhaps, given as many examples as are necessary. But even in later times it did not lose its vogue ; we find it repeated in many FIG. 101. Seated statue. Limestone. New York Museum. images of much more advanced technique, as in two statuettes (Figs. 45 and 103), in which the goddess wears an ample necklace almost hiding her neck. In these figures the hair is carefully FlG. 102. Terra-cotta group. Louvre. arranged in long curls on each side of the face. On the other hand it is to a much later period that we must refer the limestone statuette reproduced in Fig. 104. The execution is heavy but all 1 CESNOLA, Cyprus, plate vi.