Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/308

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282 HISTORY OF ART IN PHCENICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. drink out of, the small extremity of the neck was grasped between the lips and the body inclined as much as necessary, care being taken to keep the large hole upwards. FIG. 21 1. Bottle in the Feuardent collection. We find the same arrangement in a very small vessel of more eccentric form (Fig. 216). Like the two already figured it has a handle, without which, indeed, it could hardly be conveniently FIG. 212. Bottle in the Feuardent collection. used, but nevertheless its body is surrounded tby bosses pierced for strings. It is clear that in time these bosses, which were at first purely utilitarian, came to be used as ornaments. The potter