Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/48

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26 HISTORY OF ART IN PHCENICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. is thought to have existed also in a much broken throne now in the Louvre, which was found by M. Renan at Oum-el-Awamid. 1 FIG. 24. Front view of group found at Selinus. Height 30 inches. Palermo Museum. These images of the divinity, whether of stone, metal, or clay, seem to have been as a rule much less than life-size. So far no FIG. 25. Side view of the same group. slightest fragment of any such colossi as were common in Egypt and Assyria has been encountered in Phoenicia. On the other 1 RKNAN, Mission de Phenicie, p. 707, and plate liii.