Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/69

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SCULPTURE AMONG THE NATIONS IN THE INTERIOR OF SYRIA. 47 origin ; but in its aspect there is little to remind us of Khorsabad or Nimroud. The surface of the dark grey stone has once been entirely covered with a coat of paint. The carnations are red, the eyes black and white ; the upper part of the head and the bound- aries of the forehead are coloured with a black which time has altered. When the latter was fresh it must have suggested closely cropped black hair. Both by its colouring and careful execution FIG. 41. Painted sculpture from Edessa, front view. Height IF^ inches. Louvre. this fragment reminds us of those painted limestone statues which have been found in such numbers in the cemeteries of Memphis and Thebes ; but the type is very different ; the neck is not so short and thick as in Egypt ; the eyes are more oval, and, when we look at it sideways, we see that the form of the cranium differs from the Egyptian type. It is far longer from front to back (Fig. 42). If in imagination we restore this head to its body and clothe