Page:History of Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia.djvu/12

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viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 37. Tomb near Magnesia. Transverse section 64 38. Tomb near Magnesia. Horizontal projection of upper part .... 64 39. Tomb near Phocaea. Perspective view 65 40. Tomb near Phocaea. Plan 66 41. Tomb near Phocaea. Longitudinal section 66 42. Bust carved in the rock 68 43. 44. Wooden houses near Kumbet 71 45. View of Kumbet 72 46. Plan of house hollowed in the rock, Kumbet 75 47. Phrygian necropoles. Topographical sketch 77 48. The Midas monument 81 49. False door to the Midas monument 84 50. Delikli Tach. Perspective view 87 51. Delikli Tach. Detail of doorway 89 52. Delikli Tach. Perspective section through transverse axis .... 91 53. Delikli Tach. Plan of vault 93 54. Delikli Tach. Profile of lintel on inner jamb 93 55. Delikli Tach. Profile of lintel on exterior jamb 93 56. Delikli Tach. Tinted scroll on soffit 94 57. Delikli Tach. Engraved characters on jamb of doorway 94 58. Rock-cut fagade 95 59. Rock-cut fagade 99 60. Tomb in the Ayazeen necropolis 102 6 1. Rock-cut facade. Perspective view 103 62. Plan of tomb at Bakshish 105 63. Tomb showing mouth of well 105 64. Tomb in the Ayazeen necropolis 107 65. The Broken Tomb. Present state in 66. The Broken Tomb. Restored plan no 67. The Broken Tomb. Restored transverse section through north face . 113 68. The Broken Tomb. Transverse section through back of vault . . . 113 69. The Broken Tomb. Restored longitudinal section through west face . 114 70. The Broken Tomb. Restored longitudinal section through east face . 114 71. The Broken Tomb. Restored view of interior of vault 115 72-74. Tomb near Pishmish Kaleh. Plan, facade, and section . . . . 118 75. Tomb at Yapuldak. Elevation of the fagade and section through the axis of the same . 120 76. A hieroglyphic character 120 77. Tomb near Ayazeen. Fagade 122 78-81. Plan and three transverse sections of the tomb 123, 124 82. Tomb at Ayazeen 127 83. The Kumbet tomb. General view 125 84. The Kumbet tomb. Fagade 128 85. 86. The Kumbet tomb. Plan and longitudinal section 129 87. The Kumbet tomb. Heads carved on cornice 130 88. The Kumbet tomb. Palmette at angle of cornice 130 89. The Kumbet tomb. Inscription 131