Page:History of Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia.djvu/423

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PERROT AND CHIPIEZ'S WORKS ON ANCIENT ART, A HISTORY OP ART IN ANCIENT EGYPT. BY GEORGES PERROT AND CHARLES CHIPiEZ. With over 600 Illustrations. 2 vols., Imperial &vo, 42*. From the PALL MALL GAZETTE. " The study of Egyptology is one which grows from day to day, and which has now reached such proportions as to demand arrangement and selection almost more than increased collection of material. The well-known volumes of MM. Perrot and Chipiez supply this requirement to an extent which had never hitherto been attempted, and which, before the latest researches of Mariette and Maspero, would have been impossible. The translator adds, in an appendix, a description of that startling discovery which occurred just after the French original of these volumes left the press namely, the finding of thirty-eight Royal mummies, with their sepulchral furniture, in a subter- ranean chamber at Thebes. This event, which was one of the most romantic in the annals of archae- ology, ^s still fresh incur memories, but it forms an exceedingly interesting commentary on M. Perrot's praise of inductive processes in the practice of antiquarian research. It forms a brilliant ending to a work of great value and beauty." A HISTORY OP ART IN OHALD^A AND ASSYRIA. BY GEORGES PERROT AND CHARLES CHIPIEZ. With 452 Illustrations. 2 vols., Imperial Svo, 42 j. From the TIMES. "It is profusely illustrated, not merely with representations of the actual remains preserved in the British Museum, the Louvre, and elsewhere, but also with ingenious conjectural representations of the principal buildings from which those remains have been taken. To Englishmen familiar with the magnificent collection of Assyrian antiquities preserved in the British Museum the volume should be especially welcome." From the GRAPHIC. " The work is a valuable addition to archaeological literature, and the thanks of the whole civilised world are due to the authors who have so carefully compiled the history of the arts of the two peoples, often forgotten, but who were in reality the founders of Western civilisation." A HISTORY OP ANCIENT ART IN PHOENICIA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. BY GEORGES PERROT AND CHARLES CHIPIEZ. Containing 644 Illustrations in the Text, and 10 Steel and Coloured Plates. 2 vols., Imperial 8tv, 42 s. From the MORNING POST. "It would be difficult to find any branch of literature more attractive than that in which MM. Perrot and Chipiez have laboured with so much success. Orientalism in its widest sense has attracted many to the tombs and temples of Egypt or the palaces of Assyria and Chaldaea, and to the mind worn out with the hurry, the artificial amusements, and the commonplace of Western life, it is refreshing to investigate the relics of bygone civilisations, into whose sphere that type of pro- gress, the steam engine, did not enter. And the particular field of Oriental archaeology in which the authors have worked is surely the most attractive of all. In the art of Chaldaea and Assyria, Egypt and Phoenicia, they have not only found delightful employment and much hard work for themselves, but have been able to impart to many others the results of their studies of the sculpture and architecture, the decorative and ceramic arts of the great nations of a world that would be pre- historic but for the history built up in recent years from the remnants that remain of their handi- work."