Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/135

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The City op^ the Pterians. 119 on to the branches, that an upright position can be maintained. In former days, when it was kept clean and in good order, a few Fig. 300.— Main Doorway of Area. Plan. Texier, Plate LXXXI. Stones let loose — always to be procured from the surrounding rocks — would send rolling down whoever attempted to scale the wall on this side. The position of the assailants was scarcely o I 1 1-^ -•* —-1 - — 1 6 i-t Fig. 301.— Principal Gate. Perspective View. TfexiER, Plate XXXI. improved by taking the circuitous path over the glacis ; for though the ascent was easy, they would be longer exposed