Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/184

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1 66 A History of Art in Sardinia and Jud^a. animals, they would constitute the centre of the scene, and the beginning of the second part of the first procession would be found in the four figures occupying the corner stone on the left-hand side of the gateway (7 in plan). One angle is chipped off, and has taken with it nearly half the figure to the left. The curious jagged outline of the head and misshapen leg in the next figure (Fig. 335) should be noticed. At first we thought that it was some nonde- script animal, and not until the ear and the huge earring were un- FiG. 333. — Carving at Eyuk. Plate LIV. covered did we become aware of the real nature of the picture. A staff interposes between these two figures, each grasping it with one hand and holding it to the ground, evidently intended to show the intimate connection which existed between them. Both wear short tunics. That the third figure belongs to an inferior class is indicated by his lack of clothes, diminutive size, and his position in the background, at a respectable distance from the exalted personages whom he dares not approach. The priest, easily recognized by his dress, holds out to him a sceptre, furnished with a moon-crescent, to be kissed or worshipped. The next block (Fig. 336, S in plan) consists of six personages,