Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/247

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HiTTiTE Monuments in Lydia. 229 measures 2 m. 50 c. by i m. 90 c. at the base, and i m. 50 c. towards the apex. In his left hand is carried a spear, a bow is slung at the back, and he wears the conical cap, the short tunic, and tip - curved boots with which we are familiar. He is in profile ; the left foot well forward. On his head is an indis- tinct salience, prob- ably the urseus as at Ghiaour-Kalessi (Fig. 352), and the semi-lunar hilt of a short dagger ap- pears on the left side ; nor should the horizontal stripes of the tunic be left unnoticed. The work is in mezzo- rilievo. No attempt was made to model the features, the relief of which is not above 5 c. En- graved symbols are seen between the head and spear (Figs. 361 and 362).^ The ^ The first of our two figures is the exact reproduction of a photograph by M. Svoboda. The fact that all the details specified by us are not visible in our cut is due to the necessity of having had to place the camera at a considerable distance from the object in order to obtain a front view. Notwithstanding its blurred aspect, we reproduce it because it gives a more correct idea of the real proportions of the figure than either of the drawings of Kiepert or Texier. The latter makes it too thin and elegant, whilst the former errs in the opposite direction ; for he has carried the lower portion of the bow on to the body, making that part thicker than reality. On the other hand, T^xicr's copy will be found hel[)ful, in that it shows the details enumerated by us. The visual error of the (Jerman explorer was pointed out by us twenty-five years ago (G. Perrot, "1a- Has-Relief de Nymphi," Revue Arch* nouvelle s^rie, tom. xiii.). Fig. 362. — The Karabel Bas-Relief. TfexiER, Description, Plate CXXXII.