Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/312

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294 In DEX. Thothmes I. and Thothmes III., ii. 21. Throne, hall of, in the palace of Solomon, i. 314; of Solomon, i. 136, 317 ; at Boghaz-Keui, ii. 113. Tiara, akin to a top hat, ii. 62 ; female, ii. 67, 68; turreted, ii. 128; Cappa- docian, ii. 247, 289. Tin in Sardinia, i. 90. Tombs (giants'), i. 50-55 ; around Jeru- salem, i. 113. Toursha, Tyrrenians, i. 17. Tower of David, i. 149. Trades' marks on copper cakes, i. 90, ji. I, 2. Tree worship in Palestine, i. 138, 290. Truddhu, trullum, i. 47, 48. Trumpet in bas-relief at Eyuk, ii. 165. Tsalm, god, i. 304. Turkish rule in Syria, i. 123. Tyana, Hittite inscription of, ii. 263. Tybarians, Tibareni, i. 17; ii. 255. Tyropceon, i. 145-149. U. Underground Jerusalem, i. 413, n. i ; canal discovered, i. 175 ; pottery, i. 350, 357. linger, i. 17. Urgub, ii. 264. Urim and Tummim, i. 336. Uroeus, on Hittite tiara at Ghiaour Kalessi, ii. 43, 47, 75. Uta, i. 105. Utch Hissar, ii. 264, 265. Villapand, restoration of temple by, i. 240. Vinet (E.), ii. 131. Vivanet, i. 20. Vogue (De), works of, i. 151 ; Le Temple de Jerusalem, i. 149-177 ; La Syrie centrale, i. 182-188, n. 2; views in respect to the stones of the haram, i. 252. W Warren (Sir Charles), the share of, in the exploration of Judaea, i. 148-166, n. I ; his discoveries in the substruc- tures of the temple, under Wilson's arch, i. 151, 152; uncovers Mount Ophel, i. 319. Water, dearth of, in Palestine and Syria, i. 148. Weber, pamphlet of, relating to Mount Sipylus, ii. 235, ;^. I, 2. Wells, in Palestine, i. 320, 321. Wild sheep in Sardinia, i. 108. Wilson (Sir Charles), arch of, i. 151-158, n. I ; share in the exploration of the haram, i. 148, 166; of Judaea, i. 148, n. I ; travels in Asia Minor, ii. 214. Winckelmann, with regard to Sardinian statuette, i. 62, ;/. 2. Wood in the temple, i. 131, 178, 265; statues of, i. 335 ; denudation of the Anatolian plateau, ii. 82, 85. Wright (Rev. Dr.), takes casts of Hama- thite inscriptions, ii. 6, n. 2, 3, 11. v. Van Lennep, Travels of, in Asia Minor, ii. 154, n. 2, 3. Vigoureux (Abbe), the writings of, with regard to the Hittites, ii. 21, ;/. i, 2. Zachariah, tomb of, i. 227 ; high priest, i. 137- Zela, Zileh, ii. 145. ria^TED UY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES.