Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/84

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68 A History of Art in Sardinia and Jud^a. already — by one more tablet. Its size, subject, and treatment show a decided advance on those we have reviewed, and were it intact would constitute one of the most curious and interesting specimens of Hittite art (Fig. 282). Unfortunately, the whole of the left side, Fig. 281.— Votive Stela. Height, 52 c. Basalt. Merash. After a drawing by M. Puchstein. which was occupied by an abnormally tall figure, doubtless a deity, is broken away. But enough remains to show that he was clad in a long robe, and that in his hand was carried some kind of weapon, the end of which alone is visible ; this part of the stone being most seriously damaged. The worshipper, his hair held by a fillet.