Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/101

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3. Zubdat-un-nissa, born at Multan, 2nd September, 1651, married to her first cousin, Sipihr Shukoh (the second son of the ill-fated Dara Shukoh) on 30th January, 1673, died in February, 1707.[1]

4. Muhammed Azam, born at Burhanpur on 28th June, 1653, slain at Jajaw, in the war of succession following his father's death, 8th June, 1707.[2]

5. Muhammed Akbar, born at Aurangabad, on 11th September, 1657, died an exile in Persia about November, 1704.[3] Buried at Mashhad.

By Nawab Bai the Emperor had three children:

6. Muhammed Sultan, born near Mathura, 19th December, 1639, died in prison, 3rd December, 1676.[4] Buried in the enclosure of Khawajah Qutbuddin's tomb.

7. Muhammed Muazzam, surnamed Shah

    Alam, who succeeded his father as Bahadur Shah that Zinat-un-nissa demanded the amount of her dowry from her father, and spent it in building this Mosque, instead of marrying."

  1. M.A. 540, 125, 154.
  2. Waris's Padishahnamah, 79b; M.A. 536.
  3. M. A. 547, 483. Kambu, 6b. But the Tarikh-i-Muhammadi gives the date of his death as 31 March, 1706, New Style (Storia, iv. 257n).
  4. Abdul Hamid, ii. 170; M.A. 534, 159-160.