Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/109

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ing on the river, with only one door leading into it. The others entered, but Aurangzib sat down in the doorway. To all inquiries of Shah Jahan about the reason of his strange conduct he gave no reply. For this act of disobedience he was forbidden the Court. After spending seven months in disgrace, he told Jahanara that as the room had only one entrance he had feared lest Dara should close it and murder his father and brothers to clear his own way to the throne. To prevent any such attempt Aurangzib had (he said) occupied the door as a sentinel! On learning this Shah Jahan restored He is reinstated, him to his favour. But it was impossible to keep Aurangzib at Court with Dara, whom he hated so bitterly and suspected so cruelly.[1] Therefore on 16th February, 1645, he was sent off to Guzerat as Governor.[2] His viceroyalty of this province ended in January, 1647, when he was appointed to Balkh. But even in this brief period of less than two years he showed his administrative capacity and firmness.

Of all the provinces of the Mughal empire,

  1. Anecdotes of Aurangzib § 2.
  2. Abdul Hamid, ii. 411.