Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/125

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The country was conquered without a blow, Murad wants to come away. but Murad was already sick of it. In his very first letter to the Emperor he begged hard to be recalled, and he continued to press the request ever after, in spite of repeated refusal. Most of his officers were no less eager to return to the pleasant land of Hindustan and escape from the dull and uncongenial soil of Balkh. This news disheartened and distracted the loyal peasantry, and the Mughal soldiers, too, got out of hand and took to plundering[1]

The matter soon came to a crisis. The infatuated Prince, then only 22 years of age, Arrangements by the Prime Minister. wanted to return home without permission, leaving Bahadur Khan in charge. The Mughal army of occupation, left without a supreme leader, would have been placed in a perilous condition. At Shah Jahan's command the wazir Sadullah Khan hastened to Balkh (10th August), tried to move Murad from his foolish purpose, and on his refusal removed him from the command. Arrangements were made for the new government; the army was distributed under different generals and stationed at important centres to keep hold of the country.

  1. Ibid, ii. 557-559.