Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/212

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tenth of the normal assessment. Even Baglana, noted for its fertility, was in no better state than the other districts. "Baglana has not been well administered since Syed Abdul Wahhab's time," he writes to his father. And again, "the affairs of Painghat (Lowlands) are greatly in dis- order," "the Deccan is in disorder, as it has not been governed well for the last ten years;"—"the ryots of the Ausa mahal complain of Uzbak Khan's oppression...and those of the Trimbak parganah about the tyranny of Darvish Beg Qaqshal."[1]

The new viceroy found it impossible to make Aurangzib's financial difficulties. both ends meet. At this time the civil and military expenditure of the Deccan, exclusive of the salary derived by the officers from their jagirs, amounted to Rs. 31,76,000,— out of which the cash allowances of Aurangzib and his sons absorbed Rs. 25,43,000, and the expenses of the artillery department, the cash salary of certain officers, and other necessary disbursements required Rs. 6,30,000. The only means of providing this sumn were, first the revenue of the Crownland which actually yielded Rs. 2,40,000, and secondly the tributes from the rulers of Golkonda and Deogarh, eight lakhs and

  1. Adab, 24b, 23b, 24a, 25b, 26b, 30a.