Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/370

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From 4th October 1657, when Aurangzib retired from the war with Bljapur, to 25th January 1658, when he began his march towards Hindustan as a claimant to the Anxious time for Aurangzi before the war of succession. throne, he passed through a most anxious and critical time, Events which he could not possibly control were moving fast, and he was bound to move also if he was not to perish. And yet the future was so dark and the danger of every possible course of action so great, that a wise decision was ex- tremely difficult to make. His present position was daily growing more untenable, while the future was ominous. But the difficulties, great and complex, which he overcame raise to the highest pitch our admiration for his coolness, sagacity, power of managing men, and diplomatic skill. If it be urged that these do not