Page:History of Aurangzib (based on original sources) Vol 1.djvu/43

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Hitherto Aurangzib had been getting, like His first mansab. other Mughal princes before they were old enough for military appointment, a daily allowance of Rs. 500. But on 13th December, 1634, though not yet sixteen, he got his first post in the Mughal peerage, with the rank of a Commander of Ten Thousand Horse, with an additional following of 4000 troopers. He was also permitted to use the red tent, which was a royal prerogative.[1] The governorship of the Deccan was intended for him, and there, under the guidance of the highest generals of his father's Court, he was expected to receive the best education then possible for a man of action and a leader of men. As a preparation for this high and difficult post he was given his first lessons in the art of war and the control of men by being sent to the Bundela Expedition in September, 1635.[2]

    75'17 E. Long. 33'41 N. Lat., famous for its beautiful springs described by Bernier (Constable's ed. p. 413). At the western end of the Pargana and 5 miles to the s. w. of Achbal is the village of Lokbavan. King Lalitaditya is said to have built a town here. A small garden-palace erect- ed in Mughal times near the spring is partly constructed of old materials. (Stein's Rajatarangini, i. 50n, ii. 468.)

  1. Abdul Hamid, I. B. 65.
  2. Ibid, I. B. 99.