Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/184

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140 THE HISTORY OF BAREIXGTOX. man's particular interest, and for as mnch as Rehoboth hath medow lands within the line of Wannamoisett, and Wanna- moisett hath lands within the line of Rehoboth, lying near the south line of Rehoboth ; if the two townships cannot agree about them amongst themselves, the Court reserves it within theire power to determine any such controversy. 1667, Oct. 30, Prence, Gov^" Four months later, the Court at Plymouth passed the fol- lowing orders as to the new town, Swansea : "The Court doe alow and approve that the township graunted unto Captaine VVillett and others, his naighbours, att Wannamoisett and places adjacent, shall hensforth be called and knowne by the name of Swansey. The Court have appointed Captaine Willett, Mr. Paine, Senir., Mr. Browne, John Allin and John Butterworth to have the trust of admittance of towne. inhabitants unto said towne, and to have the disposall of lands therein, and order- ing of other the affaires of the said towne. The Court have graunted unto Captaine Willett to pur- chase what lands he can in the behalfe of the Court within the township of Swansey soe as hee doe not to much straiten the Indians. The Court have declared that soe farr as in them lyeth they are willing that for such stronge liquors as are or shalbe brought into the said towne by forraigners in the way of trad, it shalbe costom free soe as it be not retailed ; and the libertie to continew for the tearme of seven yeares from the date heerof. It is further ordered by the Court that the towne of Swan- sey, shall send downe one to serve in the office of a cons- table for that constablericke, and one for a deputie, and a grand jury man, unto the next June Court to take office to serve in theire respective places and offices for that towne. Plymouth, 5, March 1667-8. Prence, Govr."