Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/189

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SWANSEA ADOPTS PROPOSALS. 145 order, (the said Captain Willett and his associates aforesaid being present,) was freely passed by the whole town, nentine contradicente. "At a town meeting lawfully warned on the two and twen- tieth day of the twelfth month, commonly called February in the year of our Lord 1669, it is ordered that all persons that are or shall be admitted inhabitants within this town, shall subscribe to the three proposals above written ; to the several conditions and explanations therein expressed, before any lot of land be confirmed to them or any of them. " We whose names are hereunder written do freely upon our admission to be inhabitants of this town of Swansea, assent to the above written agreement made between the Church of Christ now meeting here at Swansea, and Captain Thomas Willett and his associates, as the said agreement is specified and declared in the three proposals aforewritten, with the several conditions and explanations thereof, con- cerning the present and future settlement of this township. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed: Thomas Willett, Caleb Eddy, John Myles, John Myles, Jr., John Allen, Thomas Lewis, James Brown, Joseph Carpenter, Nicholas Tanner, Robert Jones, Hugh Cole, Eldad Kingsley, Benjamin Alby, John Martin, John Browne, John Cole, Samuel Wheaton, Joseph Wheaton, Thomas Barnes, Nathan'l Paine, Thos. Estabrooke, Stephen Brace. Richard Sharpe, Gideon Allen, Wm. Ingraham, John Dickse, Thos. Manning, Wm. Bartram, Wm. Cahoone, Joseph Kent, Geo. Aldrich, Sam'l Woodbury, Nathan'l Lewis, Nehemiah Allen, 10