Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/228

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178 THE HISTORY OF BAEEINGTON. " It is voted that ye whole Tract of Land called Brooks's Pasture unto ye old fence by John Wheatons & what Land is yet undivided which was obtained from ye'Countrey, by Com- position shall be divided in a distinct division & a Survey up to Swanzey two miles be taken whicn shall bear its part to satisfie Hugh Cole. It is voted that Mr. William Ingraham, Samuel Luther, William Howard shall agree with Hugh Cole as to what part he shall have of Brooks's Pasture & also to survey the whole tract obtained of ye Countrey by agreement." " At a Town meeting Legally warned & ye Town being mett together this 29th of March, 16S0. It is voted & ordered that ye bridge by Mr. Miles be Re- built with all Convenient speed. It is voted yt ye Meeting house be set up at ye Lower end of new meadow neck & yt ye Committie for sd houde appoint the Individual place. It was voted yt a Pound at Kecamuet & a Pound on ye Purchasers neck be set up. Mr. Jeremiah Child, James Brown, John Martin, Heze- kiah Luther, Joseph Kent, Wm. Howard, John Allen, Dan- iel Allen, Jonathan Bosworth, Thomas Wood, Caleb Eddy, Thomas Cole propounded for freemen." 1680. " It was ordered that Sargeant Hugh Cole, Sargeant Samuel Luther, Obadiah Bowen Senr. do on ye 29th of this Instant attend Taunton Gentlemen to lay out our two mile of Land due to Swanzey from Taunton & to Run our Range betwixt us & them." 1681. Timothy Brooks "had liberty to set up a saw- mill." A petition was made for a jury "to lay out such highways as are at present needful, namely, through Brooks Pasture to the ferry, at New Meadow Neck." " It was voted that six acres of land be left perpetually for to accommodate a person to keep the ferry, or to be improved for the use and benefit of the town." In 1725, the town reduced the ferry lot to one acre and one quarter.