Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/312

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248 THE HISTORY OF BAREINGTON. gave him to be their minister for the futor and also the voats that the town passed about him, both as to the settle- ment and salary which voats were passed the 21st of April last." "The town chose Left. Peck to be a selectman and assessor for the remaining part of the year. The assessors were empowered to raise 25 shillings to pay for mending the meeting house glass." 1719. Timothy Wadsworth, moderator ; Benjamin Viall, Zacha- riah Bicknell and James Adams, assessors ; Samuel Hum- phrey, town clerk ; James Brown, Jun., Constable ; Zacha- riah Bicknell and John Bosworth, surveyors of highways ; Timothy Wadsworth and Joshua Kent, tything men ; Nathaniel Peck and John Chaffee, fence viewers, Phebe's Neck; and Joshua Kent and Ebenezer Martin, New Meadow Neck ; Samuel Humphrey, town treasurer ; Recompence Tiffany, sealer of leather ; ElishaMay, grand juror ; Ebenezer Tiffany, Jury of trials ; James Adams; Representative to the General Court. Barrington petitioned the Court to give the town power to tax the whole people for the support of the ministry inasmuch " as some of the Inhabitants being averse to a minister refused to pay their rate for his maintenance or to show their Estate to the Constable " and consequently were arrested and tried before the Superior Court which found for the defendants. Nathaniel Byfield and John Cushing were made a Committee for the relief of Barrington, Nov. 25. Passed an act to prevent all questions and disputes about the election of Town officers for the town of Barrington in the Court of Bristol and for the further quiet settlement of said towns. Zachariah Bicknell and James Adams were chosen a com- mittee to adjust the County rates with the town of Swansea. The assessors were directed to raise 25 shillings "to pay for mending the meeting-house glass."