Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/321

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TOWN DOINGS. 255 and obstructions on the highways on New Meadow Neck leading to the burying place, and " lay open the burying place and train field as formerly lay open." Voted, "That the selectmen do take care to provide a schoolmaster for the town by next July Court." Voted, "That the town would not concur with the Church in dismissing the Rev. Mr. Torrey from being their minister provided a council advise it." Then follows Mr. Torrey's receipts for his salary from 1723 and also for the ;i^ioo set- tlement, which was paid by individuals and not by the town, November 16. It was voted, " that the town see cause to hear another minister after Mr. VVhitmarsh's turn is out that is agreed for." Voted, " That the town raise forty pounds and order it into the deacon's hands for the defraying the necessary charges of paying a minister or ministers which may be requested and employed by the town to preach the gospel amongst us from time to time," and "that John Torrey and Josiah Humphrey be impowered to procure a minister to preach the Gospel amongst us." December 28. The town rescinded the votes of November 16, and voted "to raise forty or rather fifty pounds for the support of the ministry in this town," and "that James Adams, Benjamin Viall, and Zachariah Bicknell be a Com- mittee to supply the pulpit from time to time with a minister." At the same meeting ^^5, 5s. were allowed " for killing foxes." June 26. " Voted, that James Smith keep and board Christian Phippen one year at the rate of three shillings per week or in like proportion if she should not survive." Samuel Barnes was allowed i6s. for the use of his house three months for keeping school. 1727. Moderator, Lieut. James Adams ; Lieut. James Adams, Samuel Humphrey and Samuel Allen, selectmen and