Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/329

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TOWN DOINGS. 261 Voted, "that Eleazer Treadwell take care of the boys in the meeting-house on Sabbath days this year." Voted, " that the town raise so much money as shall be needful to make up a town stock of amminition, and if none can be found in the town, then it was voted that the town will raise so much money as shall be needful to provide the whole towns stock," December 7, 1734. A list of the people commonly called Anabaptists living in Barrington ; Samuel Barnes, Thomas Medbury, by Matthew Allin and Josiah Humphrey, asses- sors. Peter Bicknell was allowed 30s. " for gathering the remains of Oliver Brown's Rates." The town allowed ";^4 towards the support of Indian Judey." Town rate this year ^68, 4s., 6p. 1735- Matthew Allin, moderator ; Matthew Allin, James Adams, and James Smith, Jun., selectmen and assessors ; Ebenezer Allen, town clerk and treasurer; Nathaniel Peck and Daniel Peck, constables ; Samuel Low, John Toogood, and Ebenezer Guernsey, surveyors. Voted, " that sv,^ine may run at large." Voted, " that the school shall be kept on New Meadow Neck three months, the latter end of the year," Voted, "that the town will rebuild a part of the great bridge commonly called Myles bridge." Voted, "that the selectmen hire the schoolmaster," April 18. A list of persons commonly called Anabaptists living in Barrington : Ebenezer Guernsey, Josiah Kent, John Beatty, Samuel Barnes, Edward Luther, Joseph Clark, Dunkin Kelly, Thomas Medbury, Josiah Bowen, Ezra Ormsbee, James Thomas, Nicholas Thomas, Matthew Allin, Philip Short, Jr., Manassah Short, John Goff, John Webber. Mr. Edward Luther was chosen a committee " to take