Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/341

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TOWN DOINGS. 271 1743- Lieut. Matthew Allin, moderator and town treasurer; Jabez Brown, Matthew Allin, and Josiah Humphrey, select- men and assessors ; Josiah Humphrey, town clerk ; Nathaniel Viall and Benjamin Drown, constables; Samuel Barnes, Mat- thew Watson, and Ebenezer Guernsey, surveyors of high- ways ; Elijah May and Joseph Allen, Jun., tything men ; Joshua Bicknell and Philip Short, fence viewers ; Joseph Viall, sealer of leather ; Peleg Richmond, Josiah Kent, and Ebenezer Allen, Jun., hog-reeves ; Samuel Barnes, pound- keeper ; Joshua Bicknell was chosen to repair the pound. Voted, to raise ;^i8 "to hire a schoolmaster for three months." Voted, that Josiah Humphrey should keep school two months. Voted, "to raise ^^3, 15s. towards the building of the gal- eries in the meeting-house in the old town." Voted, to allow Ebenezer Guernsey to fence in a part of highway on the south side of the creek southward of his house, so as to secure his land and not injure the highway, and Eben- ezer Allen, Joshua Bicknell, and Joseph Allen were chosen a Committee "to see whether the said Guernsey shall set his fence on the highway." The town voted to raise ;!^24, to hire a schoolmaster and Matthew Allin, James Adams, and Peleg Richmond were chosen school committee "to provide the town with a school- master." Peleg Richmond was chosen to provide the town with stocks. 1744. Lieut. Matthew Allin, moderator and treasurer ; Matthew Allin, Jabez Brown and Josiah Humphrey, selectmen and assessors ; Josiah Humphrey, town clerk ; Joseph Viall and Joseph Allen, constables ; Ebenezer Guernsey, Peleg Rich- mond, and James Brown, surveyors of highways ; John Martin and Hezekiah Brown, tything men ; Joshua Bicknell and