Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/389

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LANDLORD BOWEN'S DAY BOOK. 311 Negro Prince, Nath'l Curtis, Natii'l Heath, Samuel Viall, Rehoboth, Peleg Pain, Richard Greene, Susanna Jones, Abigail Jones, Wm. Jones, Shubael Kinnicutt, David Allen, Josiah Allen, Rehoboth, Joel Peck, John Short, John Tripp, Joseph Viall, William Andrews, Richard Loyall, Caleb Drown, Edward Loyall, Stukeley Smith, Rehoboth, Joel Peck, John Peck, David Peck, Comfort Stanley, John Martin, Jonathan Andrews, Col. Nathaniel Martin, and many others. In fact a fairly correct census of Bar- rington could be constructed from Bowen's day book. Landlord Bowen's account book is now in the possession of Edward Field, Esq., clerk of the City Municipal Court of Providence, and we are allowed to quote therefrom and from his own notes in "The Colonial Tavern," freely. The first entry in this book under date of Feb. 6, 1795, records the patronage of the pastor of the Congregational Church, the leader of his flock, at the tavern bar. " Revd Solomon Townsend, D"". To 2 Qts N. Rum, Did. Elizth Renoff 12 i-2d. Betty Renuff was Mr, Townsend's housekeeper, who probably looked after the needs of the parson's sideboard. " Col. Samuel Allen, Dr. To 1-2 bowl Toddy 4 i-2d.' Mr. Bowen advanced the title of his excellent friend and patron one notch, as he was only a major, but this was excusable in military tavern circles, as suggesting future glory. "Joshua Bicknell, Esqr, Dr. To 2 Qts N. Rum 12 I-2d." Mr. Bicknell is a near neighbor and a first class patron, whom he honors with the title of Esq.