Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/396

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316 THE HISTORY OF BARRINGTON. his trade in this article was by the cake, and usually accom- panied some liquor, as " Josiah Viall, Dr. To I pt N. Rum 004 To 5 Rols ginger bread . . . . . . 0011-2" Or "John Harding, Dr. To 1-2 gil Rum 002 To I Gil Rum 004 To 3 Qts N. Rum o i i 1-2 To 2 Cakes Ginger bread @ 4d . . . • o o 8" Here is a charge which shows the care with which he noted down the minute details of his dealings:

  • ' Benjamin Jackson of Relioboth, Dr.

To cash not paid for things you took on Asa Bick- nells acct more than jr order which you Promised to pay if s^ Bicknell would not allow it . . • . . . . . 009 3-4 " There was to be no dispute when neighbor Bicknell ex- hibited some surprise at the amount which his friend Jackson had drawn on his order, and here is another : "Matthew Allen, Dr. To one mug flip d'd Timothy Allen the 21st of Last Jany which you promised to pay if he did not in one week . . . . . . . 009" And Timothy Allen did not respond in the allotted time, and this charge is made " Feby. 29, 1772." The housewife frequently drops into the store for sundry purchases, and the charges made on such occasions seem Strang enough in these days when the articles had are con- sidered. " Hannah Adams, D"^. To 8 Rows of Pins 0023-4" And on another occasion, " 5 1-2 yds Dowlas @ is 2d o S 8 1-2 " And "Rebecca Brown, Dr. To I 1-2 yds. of quality, 2p 003"