Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/436

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348 THE HISTORY OF BAREINGTON. and to Keepe as good watch as possible Can be Keept with so fue men and to Releve the Watch Every tow hours." " Barrington Head Quarters April ye ii, 1777. Lieut Smith Bowin your orders are to set the watch Between sunset and dark to your several places on the West shore and to Releve them Every tow Hours. Lieut. Bowin and Lieut. Bicknel, your orders are to take down the names when they come to do duty and to keepe gards by yr orders and see that Every one duse his duty and see that the houses that you are Station in are Left in as Good order as when you Came into them and yous the peple with good Land- widg And to find the Several alarm-poasts for the sevrel Companys for Bristol Company's the Corthouse ; for Worrin Company, Ebenezer Coles house ; for Barrington Company, Natha'l Martins House in Barrington." "Barrington Head Quarters April ye 12, 1777. Coll martins Regementle orders that no Ofificer or Solder Be absent from Quarters He belongs to Nor go more than Haf a mile from his Quarters without Leaf from thear officers gards as yoshal." "Barrington Headquarters, April 13, 1777. Coll Martins Regementle orders. That it is Expected the Evry officer and Solder that is not on duty it Being the Sabath Will atend Publick W^orship. Gards as usial." "Barrington Head Quarters, April 14, 1777. Coll. Martins Regementle orders that the Camps turnout persisely at 8, of the Clok in the fore noon and call over the Rolls." The last record in the book, dated April 15, 1777, reports, " Nothing Remercable gards as usial." Colonial and Town Legislation During the Revolution. The frequent sessions of the General Assembly gave ample opportunity for that body to act promptly and energetically