Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/465

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BARKINGTOX SOLDIERS. 371 Corporals. Benjamin Drown Josiah Humphrej Joshua Kent, Natlil. Martin, Jr., James Busliee, William Kelly, Hezekiah Kinnicutt, Joseph Bullock, Sam Barnes, Consider Tripp, David Peck, ~)anl. Peck, Josiah Viall, Danl. Drown, Benj. Grant, James Goff, Benj. Hathaway, James Martin, Saml. Martin, Ebenezer Bishop, Nathanl. Clarke, John Williams, William Harding, Comfort Standley,


Nudigate Adams, Thomas Grant. Privates. David Brown, Joseph Gladding, Wilson Low, William Jones, John Watson, Levi Barnes, Spencer Bears, William Brown, Solomon Peck, Jr., Edward Adams, Samuel Conant, Joseph Grant, Jr., Abiel Grant, Benj. Horton, Oliver Kelly, Edwd. Martin, James Short, Simeon Titus, John Thurber, Joseph C. Mauran, Josiah Bowen, Nathaniel Peck. Luther Martin, Enoch Jones, Joshua Bicknell, Jr. John Humphrey, Ebenezer Tiffany, Henry Bowen, Sylvester Viall, Peleg Heath, Amos Peck, Joseph Adams, Spicer Hews, Shubael Grant, Ebenezer Grant, Moses Horton, Dunkan Kelly, Rufus Martin, John Short, Jr., Benj. Martin, David Luther, John Sheldon, John Short, Barringtox, Aug. 5, 1775- Enlistments for Fifteen Months, United States Service, from December, 1776 to June, 1777. By Captain Thomas Allin. Captain Tkojnas Allin s Company, Colonel S/nit/i's Regitnent. Nathaniel Humphrey, Sergeant Dec. 6th, 1776. Enoch Jones, Sergeant " " " William Jones, Corporal " " " John Humphrey, Corporal " " " Joseph Viall Allen, Fifer " " Moses Horton " " " Nathaniel Humphrey, Jr " " " Joshua Bicknell, Jr June 4th, 1777. Anthony Martin " " " Sylvester Viall " " " Joel Peck "