Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/474

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378 THE HISTORY OF BARRINGTON. Andrews, Jonathan. Enlisted in Continental service in 1777. Bounty^ £16. Was a member of Capt. Viall Allen's Co. in 1780. Was buried at East Greenwich. " Mil. Papers," R. I. Hist. Soc. Andrews, William, Sergt. Served in Capt. Matthew Allin's Co. at Roxburj and Dorchester, in June, 1775. Was afterwards in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., and appeared on the alarm at Bristol, April i, 1776. Enlisted in Capt. Allin's Co., Col. John Topham's Reg., 177S. Was in Capt. Philip Traffern's Co., Col. Topham's Reg., 1779. Arnold, James; a private in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co. Col. Chris. Smith's Reg., 1777. Bounty, £6, and advanced pay. Arnold, Peleg. Soldier in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., Col. Christopher Smith's Reg., fifteen months; enlisted June 5, 1777; bounty, £12. Bannister, Cato. Cato was a negro slave of John Bannister of Newport, and an indentured apprentice of Elkanah Humphrey. He enlisted in Col. Greene's Reg., 17S3. He was valued at the sum of £105, and the Gen. Treasurer gave his note to Mr. Humphrey for £8 2s., inte- rest on the slave's value. Barnes, John, Sergt. Son of Levi and Ruth Barnes, b. Oct. 20, 1760. Enlisted in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co. for one year, from March 16, 177S. Was corporal in 1779, and sergeant in 1781. Received bounty of £6, advanced pay £2, 12s., and some clothing, 1777. July 13, 17S0, was paid a bounty of fifty hard dollars, for six months' service. Was a sergeant in Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., Col. Smith's Reg., 17S1. Was a member of Capt. Viall Allen's Co. in 1780. " Mil. Papers," R. I. Hist. Soc. Barnes, Levi. Was a member of Capt. Thomas Allin's Co. August, 1775- Barnes, Samuel, Corp. Son of Thomas and Ruth Barnes, b. Sept. 9, 1756. Was a member of Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., Aug. 1775, and appeared on the alarm at Bristol, April i, 1776. He was a corporal in Capt. Viall Allen's Co. in 17S0. He d. Aug. 24, 1803. " Mil. Papers," R. I. Hist. Soc. Bean, Thomas Stacy. Born in Boston, Sept. 10, 1758. Served in the army in 1775, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and also at Ticon- deroga, N. Y., and in several skirmishes on the sea. He received for a portion of his services a $100 bill of the Continental currency, which was just sufficient to buy a pair of shoes, worth about two dol- lars. He d. July 2, 1839. Beers, Spicer. Was a member of Capt. Thomas Allin's Co., August 1775- Bicknell, Asa. Was a member of Capt. Viall Allen's Co. in 17S0. " Mil. Papers," R. L Hist. Soc. He represented the town in the General As- sembly in 1784; d. June 14, 1799, aged 52 years.