Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/513

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CHAPTER XXVI BARRINGTON LEGISLATION FROM I77O-189S THE following extracts from the town and Council records relate to the most important matters of business trans- acted by the town during a period of one hundred and twenty- eight years. This record does not include the names of deputies to the General Assembly or the more important town officers, which will be found in a condensed form at the end of the chapter. Some legislation which has entered into and directed important movements, will be found incorpo- rated in other chapters. Instances will be found in the chap- ter relating to public schools, the public library, highways and bridges, etc., etc. We have selected those items which will be of general interest, without touching upon the routine business of the town. The names of all the officers elected at the first town meeting, June 25, 1770, and the last town meeting, April 5, 1898, will be found recorded, First Town Meeting, June 25, 1770, at the"Presbi- TERiAN Meeting House." Officers Chosen : Moderator — James Brown. Toivn Clerk — Solomon Townsend. Town Cotmcil — James Brown, James Bowen, Dea. Eben- ezer Adams, Col. Samuel Allen, Joseph Grant, Matthew Watson. Assessors of Taxes — Josiah Humphrey, James Bowen, Thomas AUin. Town Sergeant — Daniel Kinnicutt.