Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/577

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prince's hill cemetery. 469 1674^ e Here Ijeth y Body e Headstone. of y wor Thomas r WiLLETT esq who died e th e th August y 4 in y 64 year of his age anno WHO WAS THE FIRST MAYOR Fooistone. OF NEW YORK & TWICE DID T SVSTAINE Y PLACE After the division of Swansea and the incorporation of Barrington as a separate town, a Congregational meeting- house was built on the main road leading south from Barring- ton Centre Railroad Station, at the corner of what was known as "Jenny's Lane." The population on the main neck de- manded a burial ground on the east side of Barrington River, and at a town meeting held Jan. 18, 1727-8, Timothy Wads- worth, Moderator, " Lieut. Peck, Zachariah Bicknell, and James Smith were chosen a committee to lay out a burial place, and to agree with Ebenezer Allen what to give him for the ground, and to make report to the town at the next meeting." At the adjourned meeting held at the meeting- house on the 8th of February, the town voted to give Eben- ezer Allen five pounds for half an acre of land, for a burial place, at Prince's Hill. Mr. Allen's deed, under date of De- cember 31, 1729, conveys to the town of Barrington, "A certain piece of land lying on or near Prin ce's Hill so called in Barrington, containing half an acre to be for the use and benefit of the town forever for to bury their dead ; butted and bounded as follows, viz.: Northerly as the fence now stands. Easterly on the river, Southerly to a black oak tree marked thence to the highway to a stake and heap of stones. West upon the highway." The half acre described above contains the oldest of the o-raves and monuments at Prince's Hill, and its area may be