Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/723

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Charles H. Bowden. B. in Providence, Feb. 5, 1846; was educated in the public schools of that city; moved to Barrington with his father's family in the spring of 1864; enlisted in Bat. B. R. I. 1st L. A., Aug 24, 1864, and received an honorable discharge June 13, 1865; m. Sarah E. Tiffany, dau. of Ebenezer Tiffany, Jan. 1, 1867; no children; lived in the State of Washington, from 1889 to 1892; has served as town surveyor of highways; is a Deacon of the Cong. Church; his father was born in Marblehead, Mass., in 1815, and his mother in Rehoboth, the same year; both died in Barrington in 1893. They left nine children, all of whom are living. Mr. Bowden stands for the highest interests of society, and is a useful and valuable citizen.

Wheaton B. Bowden, bro. of Charles and Samuel, is one of our most intelligent citizens, and has been elected as a member of the Town Council, of the School Committee, and other town offices.

Samuel Bowden has filled various town offices, and is now the efficient town Sergeant and Chief of Police.

The Kinnicutts are from Roger Kinnicutt, who settled in Maiden, Mass., and who was made a freeman in 1670: m. Joanna Shepardson of Charlestown, Mass, Nov., 1661, and moved to Swansea in 1679; the ancestry of Daniel Kinnicutt are: John,1 John,2 b. 1669, m. Elizabeth Luther; John,3 b. 1700, m. (1) Anne Eddy; Daniel,4 b. 1735, m. Hannah Kent; Josiah,5 b. 1765, m. Rebecca Bourne Townsend; children, Hannah B., m. Benjamin Viall; Harriet Byron, m. Allin Bicknell, Benjamin Townsend, Martha Townsend, m. Nathaniel Brown, Nancy, m. George Smith, George R., m. Hannah Drown.

F. O. Field, Esq., of the firm of Brownell & Field, is a valuable accession to the citizenship of the town; has been a member of the Town Council, and its President in 1897-8; is an active member of the B. R. I. Association, and has served as its President; his residence is at New Meadow Neck.

John Wheaton. Son of Job Wheaton; farmer and teacher; was an intelligent and active partner in the affairs of the town, and his voice and vote were for good men and measures for the community.

Erastus L. Walcott was one of the most useful and respected of the adopted sons of Barrington. He represented the town in both branches of the General Assembly, was an influential member of St. John's Church, and always labored for the building up of the social and civil interests.

William T. Lewis, and William T. Jr., father and son, have resided at Drownville for nearly thirty years, and have been identified with the growth and improvement of the town. Both have held public office, the father as an Assessor of Taxes, and the son as a Representative in the General Assembly, 1897-8, and also as a member of the Town Council, and its President in 1896. Mr. Lewis, Sen., is a prominent member of St. John's Church, and a supporter of the Mission at Drownville.