Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/81

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it, I went forth again and pulled up a sassafras root and sliced a piece thereof and boiled it till it had a good relish, and then took it out again. The broth being boiled I strained it through my handkerchief, and gave him at least a pint, which he drank and liked it very well. After this his sight mended more and more; also he took some rest; insomuch as we with admiration blessed God for giving His blessing to such raw and ignorant means, himself and all of them acknowledging us the instruments of his preservation.

"That morning he caused me to spend in going from one to another amongst those who were sick in the town, requesting me to wash their mouths also, and give to each of them some of the same I gave him, saying they were good folk. This pains I took with willingness, though it were much offensive to me. After dinner he desired me to get him a goose or duck, and make him some pottage therewith with as much speed as I could. So I took a man with me, and made a shot at a couple of ducks, some six score paces off, and killed one, at which he wondered. So we returned forthwith and dressed it, making more broth therewith, which he much desired. Never did I see a man so low brought, recover in that measure in so short a time.

"About an hour after he began to be very sick, cast up the broth, and began to bleed at the nose, and so continued the space of four hours. Concluding now that he must die, they asked me what I thought of him. I answered, his case was desperate, yet it might be would save his life; for if it ceased in time, he could forthwith sleep and take rest, which was the principal thing he wanted. Not long after his blood stayed and he slept at least six or eight hours. When he waked I washed his face, and bathed and supplied his beard and nose with a linen cloth. But on a sudden he chopped his nose in the water and drew up some therein, and sent it forth with such violence as he began to bleed afresh. Then they thought there was no hope, but we perceived it was but the tenderness of the nostril, and therefore told them I thought it would stay presently, as indeed it did.