Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/133

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CARBY AND SRIRAMPUR MISSION _ 109 published in 1803 :! but it was prepared from a fount of more elegant and smaller _ size, ৪8 constructed by Manohar. The Srirampur. story of its printing is thus told in the Memoir relative to Translations, “Happily for us and India at large Wilkins had led the way in this department ; and persevering industry, under the greatest disadvantages with respect to materials and workmen, had brought the Bengali (5৮) to a high degree of perfection. Soon after our settling at Serampore the providence of God brought to us the very artist who had wrought with Wilkins in that work, and in a great measure imbibed his ideas. By his assistance, we crected a letter-foundry ; although he is now dead he had so fully communicated his art to a number of others, that they carry forward the work of type-casting, and even of cutting the matrices, with a Panchainan and degree of accuracy which would not Manohar. = disgrace European artists.”? The 1. 1802; 2. 1809; 3. 1803; 4. 1807. The Psalter appears to have been issued separately in 1803. A revised edition appeared in 1832, The New Testament was published in 1801. [See Appendix If at the end of this volume for a note on Biblical translations]. In Cal. Rev. x, p. 186, the date of Ellerton’s New Testament is erroneously given as 1816. For John Thomas’s translation of the Scriptures, see Murdoch, Catalogue of Christian Vernacular Literature of India, pp. 4 and 5, Smith, op. cit. p. 179. Thomas’s version (before 1791) was circulated in manuscript. Kaye, Christianity in India, p. 138, speaks of this version as having been done in “scarcely intelligible Bengalee.” See Carey, Orient. Christ. Biography, vol. i, pp. 444-454. 1 8rd Ed. 1811; 4th Ed. 1816; 8th Ed. 1832. The date inthe text is the date of the 2nd Ed. as given by Marshman; but Smith (p. 188) gives 1806 as the date, The fact is that the edition was commenced in 1803 and completed in 1806. See Appendix II at the end of this volume. 2 Memoir relative to the Translation of the Sacred Scriptures into the Languages of the East, Serampore, 1816, by Marshman, The Bible