Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/170

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146 BENGALI LITERATURE মায়ার বিবাহের কোথায় ঠাওর হইয়াছে দেশের মধ্যে না বিদেশে দিবা । ঈশ্বরের মনে কি আছে বুঝিতে পারি না আমার ইচ্ছা দেশের মধ্যে হইলে ভাল হয়। তোমার যারা সকলে কি বলে মাইয়ার মামা মামী কি বলে পাঁচটার যে মত সেই কর্তব্য। সেযেহউক। আমি বাড়ী যাই বেলা গেল এখনি গালাগালি দিবে ।! This is indeed a fine piece but the Women’s Quarrels are not so attractive. Critics have found fault with Carey the missionary for giving these latter gross colloquies a place in his book which was intended to be a text-book for young civilian students: but fastidious considerations apart, these dialogues certainly exhibit the true picture of a certain type or class in every society, interesting to the student of the drama, novel, or social history. A strong tendency to objective realism in Carey demanded a verbatim reproduction of the language of the ae 7 সর people; had he listened to his spirit. missionary scruples, the picture, like Johnson’s in Rasse/us, would have been unnatural or imperfect. In this respect Carey has been called, not unwisely or too enthusiastically, the spiritual father of Tek-chand, and The significance of a z ths book: Carey of Dinabandhu. That Carey had fine the Dialogues is the a sisi রা ৬২75 শিং Me 2৮5: 8 dramatic instincts, which if developed Yek-chand and Dina- would have borne better fruits, and bandhu. that ke was more than a mere compiler, has been put beyond all doubts by the Co//oquies 1 Dialogues, Ist Ed. pp. 148-156 ; 3rd Ed. pp. 76-82.