Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/282

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258 BENGALI LITERATURE Of the other missionaries, who belonged to the Baptist Mission and wrote some tracts and text-books, it is not necessary to dwell long upon the names of Lawson, Robinson, Wenger or Pearce. John Lawson (1787-1825) wrote a treatise on Natural History called %#{41 which was published by the School Book Society before 1821.1 John Robinson, some time editor of 2 John Lawson, John Robinson. the Avangelist, translated Robinson Crusoe,* Bunyan’s Holy War, and Carey’s Grammar into Bengali.. John Wenger,*® (1811- 1880) who was an associate of Dr. Yates and _ revised his Bengali Bible (1861), edited the Upadesaka, compiled a Bengali Grammar, translated Marshman’s History,4 John Wenger. and wrote or edited a few tracts and school-books.

1 It was in six numbers, viz.: 1, The Lion and the Jackal (subsequently published as নিংহের বিবরণ ) 2. The Bear. 3. The Elephant. 4. The Rhinoceros and the Hippopotamus. 5. The Tiger. 6. The Cat. For asketch of Lawson’s life, see Carey, Orient. Christ. Biography. (vol. ii. pp. 415-425.). 2 (১) রখিন্সন্‌ ক্রুশোর জীবন চরিত or the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe translated by J. R. and illustrated with woodcuts. 2nd ed. 18835. pp. 1-261 (২) ধর্মযুদ্ধের বৃত্তান্ত, অর্থাৎ আন্তরিক রিপু ও সয়তান প্রভৃতির সঙ্গে ববীষ্টায় লোকেরদের যেরূপ যুদ্ধ হয় তাহার বিবরণ। জান ব্যনন সাহেবের রচিত ও রাবিন্সন্‌ সাহেবের কর্তৃক অনুবাদিত হইয়! শ্রীরামপুরের যন্্রালয়ে মুদ্রাঙ্কিত হইল | dvea | (Second Edition, 1859 ) illustrated also by woodcuts, pp. 1-316. Also wrote গঙ্গীর খালের সংক্ষেপ বিবরণ or an Acconnt of the Ganges Canal, pp. 1-19, 1854 ? This Robinson must not be confounded with another Robinson who was Government Inspector of Schools in Assam and wrote a work on mensuration called ভূমি পরিমাণ (or Elements of Land Surveying) in 1850 which was reviewed in the Friend of India of Sept. 12, 1850.

  • See Buckland’s Dictionary of Indian Biography.
  • See p. 249 footnote ante.