Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/401

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    as having come to the coast in 1835 for cattle and hay for French troops in the Pacific; probably later.

    Leonidas, Mex. brig; formerly the U. S. Dolphin; Malarin, master; named by Davis for 1833.
    Leonor, Mex. ship, 207 tons; Henry D. Fitch, master; on the coast from S. Blas in 1831; came back in 1833-4, and also in 1835, under Chas Wolter; Fred. Becher, sup.; duties, $1,419.
    Liverpool Packet (?), whaler of 1835.
    Llama, Engl. brig, 143 tons; Wm M. Neill, master; from Columbia River in 1834 for supplies; duties, $874.
    Loriot, Amer. schr, 70 tons; Gorham H. Nye and A. B. Thompson, master and sup.; on the coast 1833-4. See text for her seizure at S. Fran. Back again in 1835 and carried Híjar and Padrés to S. Blas in May, returning in Aug.; duties, $4,024. More smuggling.
    Louisa, Amer. bark, 174 tons, 10 men; Geo. Wood, master; J. C. Jones, owner and sup.; from Honolulu via Sitka in 1831; took hides and horses. Wm H. Davis, since well known in Cal., was on board as a boy 9 years of age.
    Magruder, Amer. schr, 15 tons, 4 men; Wm Taylor, or Faiton, master; from Honolulu in 1834 for sale.
    Marcus, whaler, 286 tons, 23 men; N. S. Bassett, master; at S. Fran. Oct. 1831.
    Margarita, Mex. schr.; carried J. M. Padrés from Mont. 1831; back on the coast 1834-5; duties, $547, $479.
    Maria Teresa, Mex. brig; Spence's list 1835.
    Mariquita, Mex. sloop; Agustin Poncabaré, master (or J. Chaseagre); from S. Blas 1833, and again 1835; duties, $171.
    Martha, whaler, 359 tons, 31 men; Tim. W. Riddell, master; at Mont. Oct.-Nov. 1834.
    Matador, Mex. brig; cons. to J. Parrott in 1835, acc. to Spence's list.
    Morelos, Mex. sloop of war; Lieut L. F. Manso, com.; Luis Valle, master. Brought part of the colony and several officers to Cal. in Sept. 1834.
    Natalia, Mex. brig, 185 tons, 13 men; Juan Gomez, master; Comp. Cosmop., owner; Juan Bandini, sup. Brought part of the colony to Cal., and was wrecked at Mont. in Dec. 1834.
    Newcastle, Amer. brig; Stephen Hersey, master; from Boston via Honolulu in 1832.
    North America, Amer. whaler, 388 tons; Nathaniel Richards, master; at Mont. Nov. 1833.
    Pacífico, Mex. brig; from Guaymas, cons. to Aguirre, in 1834; duties, $280. Some trouble about 1,150 marks of silver bullion.
    Peor es Nada, Mex. schr, 20 tons; built at Mont. by Joaquin Gomez and launched Aug. 30, 1834; sailed for south in Oct. under Chas Hubbard, under charter to Isaac V. Sparks and others for otter-hunting; returned Mar. 1835 under John Coffin, making a second trip to south in the autumn.
    Phœbe (?), whaler of 1832.
    Pilgrim, Amer. brig, 155 tons, 14 men; Frank A. Thompson, master, succeeded by Ed H. Faucon; Bryant Sturgis, owners; Robinson, agent; on the coast from Jan. 1835, having perhaps arrived in 1834; cargo, $12,000.
    Plant, Amer. brig; B. & S., owners; sailed from Boston with the California, but had to put in at Rio de Janeiro for repairs; arr. in 1832 and soon sailed for home via Honolulu.
    Pocahontas, Amer. ship, 300 tons; Bradshaw, master; Shaw, sup.; remained on the coast from 1830 to Jan. 1832, carrying away Gov. Victoria and Padre Peyri.
    Polifemia, Russ. brig, 180 tons; N. Rosenberg, master; on the coast in 1833-4-5; duties, $383; accused of smuggling.
    Primavera, Mex. brig; C. Bane, master; in Spence's list for 1835.
    Pulga, at Mont. Sept. 1834; doubtful.