Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/669

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de la Guerra y Noriega was nominally captain of the presidial company, sometimes acting as comandante, and continuously after 1837. Lieut Juan M. Ibarra of the Mazatlan company acted as comandante in 1833-6. Domingo and Anastasio Carrillo were the company alféreces down to 1836, when the former became lieutenant, and Pablo Pacheco second alférez. Later Roberto Pardo and José Lugo held these places, and Ignacio del Valle appears as habilitado. Down to 1836 the cavalry company numbered from 40 to 30 rank and file, with 20 to 15 inválidos, the pay-rolls varying from $1,000 to $600 per month, and there being generally half a dozen artillery men and as many Mazatecos in the force. In later years the nominal force was about half as large, but in both periods more than half the men were not actually serving as soldiers; and rarely was there any need of their services. The district was quietly prosperous, but the appended résumé of events is hardly more than an index of what has been recorded in other

    rado to Guerra y Noriega. Ingress for the year, $3,529; paid out to troops $3,238; effects in store May, $308. June 10th, José Ign. Lugo represents that he was retired from mil. service 30 years ago at $8 per month; but has never received a cent. Owes $350 and wants it paid on acct. Gov. replies that he must present his acct to the comisaría 'when established'! Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., lxxx. 81-2.

    1838. Antonio de la Guerra named as comandante; also J. M. Villavicencio. List of officers and men in the company of civic militia. Capt. Valentin Cota, lieut Juan P. Ayala, and Roberto Pardo, Alf. José Ant. Olivera, rank and file 38 men. Cota, Doc., MS., 13. 1839. Com. José de la Guerra y Noriega; also Alf. Roberto Pardo. Habilitado, Alf. Ignacio del Valle, also acting com. Sergt José Lugo was promoted to be 2d alférez. Anast. Carrillo named as comisario subalterno. In Soberanes, Doc., MS., 146, is mentioned a cavalry comp. of capt., alférez, and 15 men, whose pay amounts to $462 per, month. Other reports show 17-19 men and 11-12 inválidos. Pay-roll for the year, $7,630. Jan., Lieut. Octaviano Gutierrez reports the artillery to be 7 guns, 2 of them 6 pounders, the rest 4; 4 of them brass and 3 iron; 4 of the 7 dismounted or useless. Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxv. 11. There was much discontent respecting the distribution of mil. funds by the Mont. authorities. In Aug. Guerra says the artill. comp. has received nothing since he was in command. Id., viii. 22, 17, 170, 205. Five recruits called for from Sta B. Dept. St. Pap., MS., xviii. 56-7. 1840. Guerra y Noriega com., Ignacio del Valle habilitado. 19 men (one report says 32-3, perhaps including inválidos). 2d alf. José Lugo. In Aug. G. complains that the comp. is reduced to 8 or 10 available men, and there are no supplies for more. Sub-lieut Pardo has been long away, and G. is incapacitated by age and infirmities. Vallejo, Doc., MS., ix. 224. Complains of unjust discrimination, since the sub-prefect gets his salary regularly. Id., 112. Pay-roll for the year $8,437.