Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/676

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were José M. García in 1835-6, Raimundo Carrillo in 1836-8, Manuel Cota in 1838-9, and Leandro Gonzalez from 1840. In 1837-8 the support of Alvarado's army was a heavy tax on the mission resources; yet as we have seen these resources were by no means exhausted. There was trouble in 1839 with Cota, who was opposed by the padres and Indians and was suspended by Visitador Hartnell, after which for a time at least the neophytes became more contented and industrious under Father Duran's supervision.

Father Suñer of San Buenaventura died at his post in 1831, and his associate Father Uría died in 1834; but Blas Ordas had come to this mission in May 1833, and his ministry continued till 1838; while Buenaventura Fortuni, coming in the middle of 1837, served until his death in 1840. Padre Antonio Jimeno served temporarily during Fortuni's illness, and seems to have become the regular minister at the end of 1840.[1]

    Feb. 6th an ex-neophyte applies to com. gen. for a renewal of his certificate of emancipation obtained from Gov. Figueroa, but since lost. Id., vi. 232. Feb. 18th, Cota urges the gov. to restore the live-stock taken during the late wars. St. Pap., Miss., MS., ix. 38-9. July, visit of Hartnell 1st to 15th. He found the accounts in bad condition and the Ind. much dissatisfied with Cota's management; and he finally suspended the administrator, who was accused of cruelty to the Ind. and insolence to Duran, and was also disrespectful to H., who resisted Cota's respectful petition to be reinstated, advising the govt against it. Duran was authorized to expend $500 for clothing for the Ind. Diario, MS., 3-4, 11-12, 14, 41-2, 78-82, 88-9. July 8th, original letter from a neophyte complaining of the alcaldes. St. Pap., Miss., MS., viii. 6. July 10th, Hartnell to Duran explaining that he has suspended Cota and put affairs in charge of the alcaldes under D.'s direction. D. replies that he will aid by advice and to protect the Ind., but will have nothing to do with the temporal administration. 'The old times have gone by never to return.' Arch. Miss., MS., ii. 919. July 18th, govt approve H.'s conduct. Id., 921. Oct. 25th, Duran to Hartnell on petty details of mission affairs. He seems to represent the Ind. as doing much better without the administrator. Id., 951. Nov. 18th, Cota seems to write as admin. He says the mission has long depended on manufactures rather than stock-raising and agriculture St. Pap., Miss., MS., ix. 39. 1840. Feb. 15th, P. Duran urges the appointment of an administrator. Arch. Miss., MS., ii. 1017; and Leandro Gonzalez is appointed at $1,000 from May 15th. St. Pap., Miss., MS., viii. 6; Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., xii. 33. Hartnell's second visit was from Aug. 27th to Sept. 7th, but there is nothing in the records respecting his acts or the condition of affairs. Diario, MS., 13-16. Dec. 18th, P. Fortuni of S. Buenaventura buried here. Sta B. Lib. Mis., 38.

  1. Francisco Suñer was born in Jan. 1758, at Olot, Cataluña, taking the