Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/803

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HIGUERA HINCKLEY.. 785 commissioner of the govt to prepare for resisting the U.S. He died at Los A Aug. very soon after his arrival, iv. 526-31, 031. He was an honorable man --/ of many accomplishments and frail health, with little fitness or fondness for political wrangles. Hilgers (Gerard), 1846, at Mont. ; owner of S.F. lot 47. Hill, 1848, called major at Mont. H., 1847, at N. Helv. ; brother of Tom Hill, Delaware Ind. H., 1848, mr Sftlie Rhone, v. 580. H. (Daniel Antonio), 1823, nat. of Mass., who came from Hon. on the Rover, and settled at Sta B. ii. 495, 573; iv. 117. He was baptized by P. Bipoll in 25, iii. 29, being then 26 years old: and soon married Rafaela Ortega, being naturalized in 29. Robinson, Life in Cal., 89, describes him as a sort of factotum for the whole town, carpenter or mason by turns as his services were needed. In 36 he had 6 children. In 45 he leased the Sta B. mission, iv. 553, 558, 644; in 46 was the grantee of La Goleta rancho, having some trouble with the Flores govt. v. 317, 330, 632, 644; regidor in 49; went east in 60 on a visit; and died at Sta B. in 65. A son, Ramon J. , was assemblyman and court interpre ter, dying in 84. One of his daughters married Dr Nicholas Den, and another, Susana, married T. W. More in 53. H. (Henry de Jesus), 1840, German who got a pass, in June; perhaps Jos. Henry. H. (Henry), 1847, owner of S.F. lot; nat. of Va, and memb. of the constit. convention in 49. H. (John), 1846, sailor of the navy, on sentry duty at Mont. ; deserts with his prisoners. H. (John), 1847, later policeman. H. (John E.), 1847, Co. D, N.Y. Vol. (v. 499.); d. at Pendleton, Or., 82. H. (Joseph Henry), 1834, German from Mex. in the H. & P. col. iii. 412; at Sta Cruz 42-3. H. (Thos), 1845, Del aware Ind. in Fremont s party, who distinguished himself by bravery on several occasions, iv. 583; v. 367, 371, 400. H. (Thos J.), 1847, Co. A, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); at S.F. 71-82. H. (Wm Luther), 1831, nat. of N.Y. and partner of Louis Bouchet in a Los Aug. vineyard; died this year, making his will on the Catalina in July. There was a property of 406 for his father, Peter Hill. iii. 405. Hilton (Benj.), 1847, Co. D, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499); d. Mont. 47. H. (Gihnan), 1845, one of the men lost on the Warren s launch. iv. 587; v. 384. Hilts, 1848, mate of the Isaac Walton from N.Y. Grimshaw. Hina (Jack), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. Hinckley, 1847, mr of the Alice, v. 576. H., 1848, mr of the Starling, v. 400. H., 1848, from Hon. on the Currency Lass. H. (AzraE.), 1837, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); a Utah farmer 81. H. (F. G.), 1842, in Dwinelle s list; wife Susana Suart (?); doubtless a confused ref. to Capt. Wm S. H. (Sam. A.), 1844, Amer. who rec d naturalization in June. iv. 453. H. (Thomas), 1831-2, mr or sup. of the Crusader, iii. 382. He was a brother of Wm S., a partner of Henry A. Peirce at Honolulu, and died in Cent. America on his voy. home. H. (Wm Crawley), 1847, nat. of Mass., from Valparaiso on the Georgiana; mr of the Providence in 47-8, to Tahiti, Hon., Mazatlan, then up the Sac. from Sta Cruz with a cargo of goods, converting the vessel temporarily into a country store; at S.F. from 49 to "72, when he gave me an autobiog. sketch, v. 580. Hinckley (Wm Sturgis), 1830, nat. of Mass., nephew of Wm Sturgis, for several years a trader at Honolulu, and mr of the Volunteer, going to the U. S. iii. 85, 149, 170, 179. In 33-4 he came again as sup. of the Don Quixote, and in 34-5 mr of the Avon. iii. 381-2. After rendering aid to Alvarado in his revolution of 36, for which lie was poetically and otherwise sharply criti cised by Mexicans, his vessel having been wrecked, apparently, he went to Hon. on the Quixote, iii. 466-1, 487; iv. 82, 103, 116, 141. In 37-8 he was mr of the Diana or Kamamahi, being arrested at S.F. for smuggling, still a confidential friend of the gov., and from this time interested in business with Nathan Spear and Leese at S.F., obtaining and occupying a lot on Montgomery St. iii. 549, 699, 705, 709-10; iv. 699. In 39 he was mr and owner of the Corsair, being again in trouble with the revenue authorities, also grantee of town lot. iii. 705; iv. 103, 130; v. 681. In 42, dating his permanent residence from 40, he was naturalized and married; in 44 was alcalde, getting more lots. iv. 666, 676, G79, 683; in 45-6 capt. of the port, having much controversy with Leides- dorff and Forbes, escaping arrest by Fremont s men as a Mex. official by death in June 46, at the age of 39. iv. 593, 666; v. 3, 131, 136, 178, 649, 681. His HIST. CAL., VOL. III. 50