Page:History of California (Bancroft) volume 6.djvu/48

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later the brwih dam wag fioUhetl, althoogH not till th': fortitwUi of Manthall aod bis men had been tried by a HifA which tbi%at«;Ded to sweep away the whole «tru'rtur«.

Another trouble arose with the tail-raoe. In order t/t '^.-onoriiize laWr, a dry cbaanel bad been selected, forty f>r fifty ro^ls long, which had to be deepened and wid<.-nod. This involved some blasting at the upper end; but elxewhere it was found necessary merely to Unmsft the earth in the bed, throwing out the Iw^er

Htoiii'H, mul let tho water during the night pass through till' Hhiic('-gnti' ti> wasli away the d(5l)ri3.

It wiiH a buHy S(Viio presented at this advance post <it'fiviliziitii)n. at tho foot of the towering Sierra, and it wiiM titlv iiarticipiitod in bv eight aboriginal lords of thi' siiil, I'mitly tniin.Hl iit >Je\v Helvetia. The half- won' of whiti' mt'u wore mostly Mormons of the dis- Uuult'il battalion, even now about to turn their faces toward tlu- new Zion. A faniilv was rt>presented in the wife and ehiUlreu of Peter L. Wirnnier," the as- " ()ri|;liiHt f<>riii i<f nuiio afpeon to haie bwn Weinwr, cormptad by Sag-