Page:History of California (Bancroft) volume 6.djvu/66

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son, who said they had come to search for gold. Marshall received them graciously enough, and gave them permission to mine in the tail-race. Accord- ingly, next morning they all went there, and soon Hudson picked up a piece weighing six dollars. Thus encouraged they continued their labors with fair success till the 2d of March, when they felt obliged to return to the flour-mill; for to all except Martin, their informant, they had intimated that their trip to

MoKMON Island.

the saw-mill was merely to pay a visit, and to shoot deer. Willis and Hudson followed the stream to con- tinue the search for gold, and Fiefield, accompanied by Bigler, pursued the easier route by the road. On meeting at the flour-mill, Hudson expressed disgust at being able to show only a few fine particles, not more than half a dollar in value, wliich he' anil his companion had found at a bar opposite a little island, about half-way down the river. Nevertheless the disease worked its way into the blood of other Mor-