Page:History of California (Bancroft) volume 6.djvu/68

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pose. They had promised Sutter to stand by him and finish the saw-mill; this they did, starting it running on the 1 1th of March. Henry Bigler was still there. On the 7th of April Bigler, Stephens, and Brown presented themselves at the fort to settle accounts with Sutter, and discuss preliminaries for their jour- ney with their comrades. The 1st of June was fixed upon for the start. Sutter was to be informed of their intention, that he might provide other workmen. Horses, cattle, and seeds were to be bought from him ; also two brass cannon. Three of their number had to precede to pioneer a route; eight tmen were ready to start as an overland express to the States, as the loved land east of the Mississippi was then called. It was not, however, until about a month later that the Mormons could move, for the constantly increasing gold excitement disarranged their plans and drew from their numbers.

In the mean time the thrifty saints determined to improve the opportunity, that they might carry to their desert rest as nmch of the world's currency as possible. On the 1 1th of April, Bigler, Brown, and Itephens set out on their return to Coloma, camping 'fifteen miles above the flouring mill, on a creek. In the morning they began to search for gold and found ten dollars' worth. Knowing that others of their fraternity were at work in that vicinity, they followed the stream upward and came upon them at Mormon Island, where seven had taken out that day $250.® No little encouragement was added by this hitherto unparalleled yield, due greatly to an improvement in method by washing the dust-speckled earth in Indian baskets and bowls, and thus sifting out also finer parti- cles. Under an agreement to divide the product of

•Tho seven men were Sidney Willis and Wilford Hudson, who had first found gold there, Ira Willis, Jesse B. Martin, Ephraim Green, Israel Evans, and James Sly. In regard to the names of the last two Bigler is not positive. Diarif of a Mormon^ MS., 76. See also Mendocino Democrat^ Feb. 1, 1872; HUtdVs Mining, 14; Sherman^ 8 Menu, i. r)l; Gold Dia., ArcoutU bi^a Mormon^ in Hayes* Col, Mining, iii. 8; Oregon Bulletin, Jan. 12, 1872; Antioch Ledger^ Feb. 3, 1872; Findla'a StcU., MS., 6; Rom' Stat., MS., 14.